I'm going to start by saying that the following entry is 100% my opinion on this article.
I think what the key issue of this article/situation should be has nothing to do with fertility treatments. I believe the investigation needs to focus on whether her bosses gave her permission to do something and then later revoked that permission and fired her for it and whether that is legal/allowed. It also needs to focus on the details of her contract and whether there were provisions in it for firing on moral/ethical grounds.
I personally believe that when you sign up to work for a private, religious school (of a religion you don't follow) you open yourself up to all kinds of rules. They might think things and expect things of you that you don't agree with. I would imagine they have every right to do that as a private organization (I'm not sure of what the exact law says, but I feel like I remember reading it's pretty lenient towards private organizations setting their own moral/ethical codes). It is your responsibility as an employee to know what those rules are and decide if you are willing to follow them.
Unfortunately the sensationalist media is trying to blow this up by making it about a cause. Whether that is her and her lawyer's strategy, I can't say. But she will get more sympathy as this woman trying to have a baby, than as a woman who was fired for no reason.
As with all news reports, there is more to this story that we don't know. Maybe I am naturally suspicious of people taking their cases to the media, maybe I am automatically biased towards schools. I'm just not 100% ready to throw my support behind this woman as someone being judged and treated unfairly for infertility.
What I am not going to get into at all is the church's opinion that IVF is "an intrinsic evil".
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